Saturday, October 17, 2009

Story of 2 kiddies

Back from MIA for so long.... been be, lazy, bz, most of all lazy!! hahaha.
Finally, I gave up being lazy to play with photoshop. Presenting my virgin photoshop work! hehehe. Still look very obvious it's been photoshoped... my addon hair/limbs/clothes looks absolutely fake...

Here goes, My Story of 2 Kiddies. Viki (in pink), Zaph (in blue).

Viki: Hello Kor Kor!!
Zaph: Hello Mei Mei!!

Viki: Kor Kor, Please... Pretty please...
Zaph: No... No. U'll dirty it with your saliva!

Zaph: See, you have yours.
Viki: ......

Viki: But yours still seems like more interesting...
Zaph: ...

Viki: Kor Kor PLEASE... PRETTY PLEASE!!! I want!
Zaph: No, No. Its mine!! Mine, mine!!

Moral of the story : One's never contented with what they already have. Other people's things are always better.

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