Last weekend, while I was doing my things... Kiddo was noisier than usual so I went to have a look at birdie cage. To my horror, Kiddo's bleeding!! I got hold of her and her blood stained my hands!! She got me so worried! I had a hard time trying to bandage her leg as she wouldn't let me. I had to prevent her from biting herself more...Am not sure how or when she got hurt... But she was in pain... such a worrying sight.

Notice her bloody left leg...

Kiddo was in pain...

Her wound....

Thank god she's alright the next day. Blood dried up, she played water & got the dried blood washed off.
The wound look small!! Couldn't get a nice shot of her leg as she's back to her normal self not keeping still.

I set this as my HP wallpaper!!

Pretty photos taken via Iphone!!