We booked the early bird tickets @$60 in Aug looking forward to finally Oct for this Halloween Night event at Sentosa. There was slight disappointment as it was a rainy night and over crowded for the atmosphere
When it was the day of the event, we were so excited and looking forward to go. But who knows the weather started to turn and rained heavily in the evening. But we had already bought our tickets so we just had to go.
During 1st week of the event, it was from 8pm-12am. As it was raining and we thought to skip one of the hunted house, the other hunted house was not sheltered, was closed for the time being, we went for the 3rd hunted house and to our disappointment we were made to queue for 2+hrs!!
It was long winding tiring snake queue!! All the excitement was killed by queuing and seems more like a torture b4 you can visit the attraction. By the time we had finished our visit to this hunted house, it's considered end of the event as it's past 12 am and they are closing.
To our disappointment again we think it's due to the 1st week of overcrowding, they extended the hrs till 1am!! Not fair!!
After the event, I saw a post on my frend's FB, she mentioned she visited all 3 hunted houses without queuing!! Next time get the express pass instead of the normal pass!! Lesson learnt!
Since it's already night, and we were not there for the other rides, the express pass seems more reasonable to us...
Entrance has the Halloween atmosphere all right...
The doll displays are the easiest for photo taking...
Hard to catch a running zombie /actor for photo taking expect this came up to in front of me.
Some poor zombies were being cornered by people for photo taking.
Pupet master also need to queue for photo taking.
Drinks? The shots contained voka am hot too sure about the blood bag...
Only at night we get to see the Shrek Castle in fairytale like atmosphere.
Btw all photos are taken via Iphone 5. Photo quality & colours are better than Iphone 4. Even the screen lens is wider. Hmmm next target for Halloween is US!! Hopefully.... if not is HK.... It's really too boring to be spending time and $$ just by queuing!!
My Halloween Goodies!! Too cute to resist!!
Brain, feet, heart filled with oozy red caramel...